New Year, New Team
Happy New Year!
We here at TED can’t wait for this year’s events to kick off. We are very excited to start the new year with new staff and many new clients. 2018 was a year of transition for TED – we had some staff move on to new amazing opportunities and had a chance to meet and invite new wonderful people to join our team. Of course, change always comes with some anxiety and anticipation, so we would like to take an opportunity to share with you what we have learned.
3 Tips to keep your clients happy during a major staffing change
1. Stay Positive
Going through staffing changes in any company is difficult and time consuming, and this only becomes compounded when it is a small business. It is imperative to stay positive because no matter what is happening behind the scenes, the show must go on!
TED is very conscious of the faith our clients put in us to help them achieve their goals. Clients come to us to receive guidance and presence – they don’t care if we have a staffing issues. They need to know that they are a priority. By keeping a positive attitude, we relay to them our confidence, thereby giving them assurance that things are on track and ready to go. If you emit positive vibes, that energy will follow throughout every meeting and make the staffing transition smooth.
2. Keep Organized
Organization and focus are key when planning and producing multiple events, but even more so when going through a staffing change. During this time you may have temporary employees, so having protocols in place for new staff is a must. At TED, we have created a new employee handbook detailing our client processes – it is a great way to ensure projects stay organized. This also is a great tool to use all year round, not just through a staffing change. The handbook has information about day-to-day functions and keeps all employees accountable.
In addition, we at TED are compulsive list makers! Each client has a “to do” list, which is updated weekly. Every task is outlined and assigned. These also come in handy during staffing changes, as it is easy to see what is next (and left) to be done. This makes for a smooth and seemingly effortless product.
3. Build Trust
Communication is key. TED encourages weekly meetings with all its clients. This is our way to keep up-to-speed on changes and tasks; action steps are reviewed and new directions are considered. When a client is kept up-to-date and given solutions, their confidence is bolstered. It shows them that you are a company that keeps your word even during the bumpy and challenging times.
So, thank you to our amazing clients for trusting our team over the last year as we went through these changes. We would like now to introduce some new faces you will be seeing in 2019.
Marisa joined TED in August and hit the ground running with our fall events.
Quote: “I am thrilled to be part of such an innovative and community oriented company. I cannot wait to see what 2019 has in store.”

Hair courtesy of Samantha age 7
Jackie joined TED in November and fit in like a puzzle piece.
Quote: “I am so excited to be working with The Event Department, translating my experience planning political events into planning amazing events for our clients.”
Eris, our wonderful Intern came to us from BOCES. We are so grateful to have her as part of the TED Team.
Quote: “I am very glad to have my first experience in the work field with The Event Department. They show me that such hard work can be fun and bring people from all backgrounds together.”
For more on the team check out the TEAM page.
Tags: Build, change, New Year, organize, Positive, Staffing, Team, TED, Trust